Turismo Llíria

Festivals and traditions

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Saint Vincent Festivals

The Saint Vincent Ferrer festivals, along with the Saint Michael festivals, are local holidays in Llíria. They are held several days around the first Monday after Easter, the feast day of Saint Vincent Ferrer.

During this time, the Town Hall together with the confraternity of Saint Vincent and the festival committee organise a variety of events for the citizens of Lliria and visitors to enjoy: horse and cart rides to Saint Vincent’s Park, handing out monas de pascua, entertainment in Saint Vincent’s Park, music concerts, theatre, guided tours, paella festival, medieval market in the Vila Vella, parades, mascletàs, processions, Masses, conferences and the traditional mass rogation on Saint Vincent’s Day during which the statue of the Saint is taken to Saint Vincent’s Chapel and Mass is held, lunch with family and friends in Saint Vincent’s Park and the blessing of the spring water.

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