Turismo Llíria

Night Stories 2023: The Origins

Ca la Vila Plaça Major, Llíria, Valencia, España

Guided-music tour of Roman Edeta. In the 1st century, Edeta was a municipality under Latin law within the Conventus Tarraconensis…


Night Stories 2023: Magic

Ca la Vila Plaça Major, Llíria, Valencia, España

Guided-music tour of Medieval Lyria. In the 12th century, Madinat Lyria was an Andalusian medina within the Taifa kingdom of…


Històries Nocturnes 2023: The Splendour

Ca la Vila Plaça Major, Llíria, Valencia, España

Guided-music tour of Renaissance and Baroque Llíria. In the 17th century, Llíria, with 2,000 inhabitants, was an important foral town…


“LLUM Fest 2023. 5th Llíria Universal Music”: My Planet

Termas Romanas de Mura C/ Sant Francesc, 38, Llíria, Valencia, España

No Solo Classical Orchestra Pro Vasko Vassilev (violin) and Miguel Ángel Navarro/Navarro (conducting). Price: 3€. Tickets can be booked through…


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